Creating a marketing structure with our systems

Ultimately what any customer expects from a 100yen shop is to get something valuable that is worth more than 100yen. Although the 100yen hurdle is no more than one way of measuring value, we consider that maintaining this price is our mission. To that end and in advance of our competitors, Seria began installing a real-time internet-based POS system. At head office and each store, we receive the total sales figures of all the stores in real-time and each store's individual product sales information; this ensures we can accurately fine tune every aspect of our business. We can time sales, decrease waste by over-ordering, and it also means we can develop our distribution system to always maintain optimum stock levels.

Original Distribution System corresponding to customers' needs

Our basic strategy in the field of distribution is to supply to every store the right number of products to meet our customer demands. To that end, Seria analyzes the real-time sales information from each shop, and promotes "systemization with our customers' points of view" by using this analysis at every stage of sales, production, and distribution.

Ordering support system

"Purchase Index", is a consumer supporting rate for individual products, and is calculated by a unique method of analysis based on the POS information sent in real-time from each store to central office. Taking into account the features of a region or store as well as the index, it determines the optimum order quantity for each shop. This makes it possible to automatically create the best selection of merchandise with no need to rely on the feelings or experience of individual staff members.

Information disclosure system

The sales data of each product at each store is sent to our manufacturers over the internet. Therefore, each manufacturer can reduce their costs by appropriate production control and inventory planning. This information disclosure encourages manufacturers to develop new products on their own initiative, and also enables us to offer more attractive products to Seria customers.

Web-EDI(Electric Data Interchange) system

Orders to each manufacturer are placed correctly and speedily by "Seria Web-EDI". This system aims to increase the merchandise turnover ratio and decrease the loss of sales opportunities caused by out-of-stocks.