Our goal is to increase our customer satisfaction by constantly improving the quality of products offered at 100yen.
To achieve "Customer satisfaction," we are committed to the future and will steadily continue our evolution and development as a model company.

Corporate History

  • Mar.1985 :
  • Start business
  • Oct.1987 :
  • Established Sanyo Agency co.,ltd.
  • May.1989 :
  • Completed head office building in 5-74 Motoima, Ogaki city, Gifu pref.
  • Jun.1989 :
  • Opened Matsumoto sales branch in Asahi-mura, Higashi chikuma-gun, Nagano pref.
  • Nov.1990 :
  • Completed Matsumoto sales branch building and logistic center in Shiojiri-city, Nagano pref.
  • Oct.1991 :
  • Opened Tokyo sales branch in Matsudo-city, Chiba pref.
  • Mar.1992 :
  • Opened Niigata sales branch in Seiro-cho, Kita kanbara-gun, Niigata pref.
  • Sep.1992 :
  • Opened Shizuoka sales branch in Fukuroi-city, Shizuoka pref.
  • Sep.1993 :
  • Opened Osaka sales branch in Sakai-city, Osaka pref.
  • Oct.1995 :
  • Completed Shizuoka sales branch building and logistic center in Fukuroi-city, Shizuoka pref.
  • Mar.1996 :
  • Opened Kagoshima sales branch in Kajiki-cho, Aira-gun, Kagoshima pref.
  • Oct.1997 :
  • Opened Fukuoka sales branch in Fukuoka-city, Fukuoka pref.
    Opened "Shop One-Oh-Oh" in Toukamachi-cho, Niigata pref.
  • Jul.1998 :
  • Completed Head office building and logistic center in 2-38 Sobutsu,Ogaki-city, Gifu pref.
  • Apr.2001 :
  • Established new logistic center by outsourcing in Tokai-city, Aichi pref.
    Integrated the logistic center of head office, Matsumoto, Shizuoka in the new logistic center
  • Aug.2001 :
  • Opened Tokai Hokuriku sales branch in head office of Ogaki-city, Gifu pref.
    Integrated Kagoshima sales branch in Fukuoka sales branch.
    Changed from Matsumoto sales branch to Nagano sales branch.
  • May.2002 :
  • Opened Akita sub-branch in Noshiro-city, Akita pref.
    Opened Hokkaido local office in Sapporo-city, Hokkaido
    Changed from Fukuoka sales branch to Fukuoka sub-branch.
  • Feb.2003 :
  • Established subsidiary "Seria (Shanghai) International Trading Co.,Ltd. in China
  • Apr.2003 :
  • Changed in corporate name "Seria Co.,Ltd."
    Opened "Seria Seikatsu Ryouhin" in Ogaki-city, Gifu pref.
  • Sep.2003 :
  • Registered "over-the-counter" stock in JSDA
  • Jul.2004 :
  • Closed Akita sales branch, and opened Tohoku sales branch.
  • Sep.2004 :
  • Installed Real-time POS system in all the directly-managed store
  • Dec.2004 :
  • Unregistered "over-the-counter" stock in JSDA
    Listed on the JASDAQ
  • Apr.2006 :
  • Changed from Hokkaido local office to Hokkaido sales branch
    Changed from Fukuoka sub-branch to Fukuoka sales branch.
  • Sep.2007 :
  • Opened "Color the days" store in Yashiro-city, Chiba pref.
  • Mar.2009 :
  • Opened "Color the days" independent store in Hashima-city,Gifu pref.
  • May.2012 :
  • Tokai Hokuriku sales branch is divided into Aichi sales branch and Chubu sales branch.
  • Aug.2013 :
  • Integrated Nagano sales branch in Shizuoka sales branch.
  • Aug.2016 :
  • Changed from Niigata sales branch to Sendai sales branch.
  • May.2017 :
  • Opened North Kanto sales branch.
  • May.2018 :
  • Opened Chugoku-Shikoku sales branch.
  • Apr.2020 :
  • Opened Chiba and Kanagawa sales branch instead of the Tokyo sales branch.
    Opened East Osaka sales branch divided from the Osaka sales branch.
    Opened satellite office in Tokyo and Osaka.
  • Apr.2022 :
  • Moved to the new market division “Standard Market” of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.